Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Dark Clouds cover the canvas, blocking out the last vestiges of a glorious sunset & wipe the slate clean..........Even This Shall Pass Away!


Darth Midnightmare said...

Great pics, really. Any filters used? Or have I just missed the best of the Bombay skies??? Keep it up dude...

Hex said...

Thanks Mate!
Nope no filters...'tis all 'natural'..took 'em at full 5Mpixel resolution!...and don't worry the canvas(albeit a new one everyday!) is always there...we just gotta tilt the cerebelum upwards from time to time!

Darth Midnightmare said...

Somehow the REAL cerebellum-tilted upwards moments for me seem to indicate that one would see either a ceeiling or would need real privacy...not to mention the spare capaciy to actually notice what lies above... ;-)

As for the comment on the Mars thingy, thanks dude. The autobio may take a considerable amount of time in the making though ;-). More than enough numbers of the opposite and fairer sex are already baying for blood. Need to give them time to cool down a bit... On the positive side, at least this way I make them all hot ;-).

Hrishi said...

Nice pic dude...did you use long exposure or a higher ISO?

Hex said...

Hrishi, am still learning these technicalities...i put the focus at infinity and 'course in the night-mode!..but thanks for the tips!