'twas one of those unearthly morning hours when a couple of friends and self stumbled across this weary chap returning from a hard-day-in-the-office....i say 'stumbled'..well, we had almost crushed the poor chap beneath our confident (i daresay self-assured) tread!
so what about this snail -the epitome of 'laziness' ?...and what about the legendary "snail's pace"? Apparently the typical speed of an adult Helix lucorum is (a very much law-abiding figure of) One mm/sec !!!
Remarkably enough, He leaves very noticeable footprints every few steps as if trying to justify his 'pace'...as if saying that
- "look here, i got no race to run, no deadlines to meet, no chaps to measure up against...i sure got the luckiest job in this entire 'road' you know - To live every single step completely...thats it, to know the road thoroughly for that step for that stretch of time (call it seconds/minutes/hours whatever!)....the best part is am so forgetful - once i've taken "my time" over that step, i actually manage to forget it..to just let it go...and move on ! And somehow (i dunno how, its amazing really) i end up leaving a mark, a distinct impression on the road.."
hmmm...Laziness eh?
Guess its about time we think about catching up with the snail's pace!!!
time and again, this space has referred to the incorrigible 'mad painter' and His outrageous canvasses! ....the canvas under scrutiny this time, forcing a sharpish downward tilt to the good 'ol cerebellum.
Located, very modestly i might add, on the periphery of a lonely pit (at the backyard of our ancestral house in Mangalore, if you must know!), the above leaf seems to have been a makeshift towel for a riotous holi-player...a flood of gulal which eventually 'pinked' its way to the numerous veins and branches of this hapless victim !!! Chaos then, eventually leading to some order ? So many "leaf-towels" ??? with the very same singular fish-bone design? this second snap then outrightly dismisses the above balderdash...surely there is an 'organized riot' going on here....tonnes of patience and painstaking efforts can only sketch such a kaleidoscope-of-one-solitary-colour and then "copy-paste' it on multiple canvasses !!!
so who creates orderly chaos ?
..a serene Master?....
or (and the cerebellum vigorously nods its approval here) a mad painter ?....